Bihar’s Efforts in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission) launched in 2014 has been a transformative movement across India, aiming to achieve universal sanitation coverage and eradicate open defecation. Among the many states striving for this noble cause, Bihar stands out with its unique initiatives and committed efforts. Let’s delve into Bihar’s journey, challenges, and triumphs in making the state cleaner and healthier.


Bihar’s journey in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan began with the construction of toilets in rural areas. In collaboration with the central government, the state government launched a massive campaign to build toilets in every household, focusing on rural areas where open defecation was rampant. The campaign was successful, with over 1.5 lakh toilets constructed in the first phase itself.

Innovative Strategies: Bihar’s Unique Contributions

Bihar implemented several innovative strategies to boost its Swachh Bharat efforts:

Mukyamantri Gramin Peyjal Nishchay Yojna: This scheme provides safe drinking water to every household, indirectly supporting sanitation by ensuring a clean water supply for toilet use and hygiene practices.

Incentivizing Toilet Construction: Financial incentives were provided to households for constructing toilets. The state also ensured timely disbursement of funds, encouraging more families to build and use toilets.

School-Led Initiatives: Schools became a focal point for spreading awareness. Sanitation clubs were formed, and students were encouraged to practice and advocate for hygiene. This not only transformed schools but also influenced households.

Technological Integration: Mobile applications and digital platforms were utilized for monitoring progress, reporting issues, and facilitating real-time data collection. This technological integration helped in maintaining transparency and accountability.

Women as Catalysts of Change

In Bihar, women emerged as powerful change agents in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Women’s self-help groups (SHGs) were actively involved in sanitation campaigns, leading cleanliness drives, and ensuring toilet construction and usage in their villages. These groups empowered women, providing them with a platform to influence their communities and drive sustainable change.

Addressing the Cultural Context

Bihar’s approach also emphasized respecting and addressing cultural contexts. Local customs and traditions were considered while planning and implementing sanitation programs. This sensitivity to cultural nuances ensured better acceptance and participation from the community.

Overcoming Challenges: The Road Ahead

Despite significant progress, Bihar continues to face challenges such as ensuring the sustained use of toilets and improving waste management systems. The state is now focusing on:

Sustained Behavioral Change: Continuous education and awareness campaigns are essential to reinforce the importance of sanitation and hygiene practices.

Solid and Liquid Waste Management: Developing efficient systems for managing solid and liquid waste is a priority. Efforts are being made to promote waste segregation, composting, and recycling at the household level.

Inclusivity: Special attention is being given to marginalized and remote communities to ensure that the benefits of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan reach every corner of the state.